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Forum: Road Club Runs
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07-18-2024, 03:30 PM
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Forum: Road Club Runs
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05-04-2024, 06:54 PM
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  Sunday 16/04 Road Ride
Posted by: NeilC1885 - 04-15-2023, 01:56 PM - Forum: Road Club Runs - Replies (1)

Sleap Airfield

Distance 73.19 mi, 768 m climbing

Meet at QG for a 9am start


Information Summer Coaching
Posted by: coachalex - 04-11-2023, 01:11 AM - Forum: Coaching - No Replies

Just for information, we are compiling the dates of the sessions for everyones calendars for the summer coaching sessions.

Keep an eye out for those.

Main themes of coaching:

  • Track coaching where possible with freewheelers league (dates to be confirmed)
  • On the grass training at the track
  • MTB coaching sessions (to be confirmed)
  • Ladies only sessions (to be confirmed)
  • 65th Birthday event - Monday 8th May

We are currently going through the process of making sure that all sessions are covered and viable to run. Once these checks are okay the provisional calendar will be circulated to everyone.


  New Forum
Posted by: LymeRCForumAdmin - 04-08-2023, 07:10 PM - Forum: General - No Replies

Hi Folks,

After a lot of work and not a lot of progress, the old forum software has seemed to be taken over by new owners and the open source version is being left to fend for itself. Which has resulted in a lot of code breaking in the latest major update of PHP.

We have decided to move away from the old version of the software to a new version of the forum.

I will ask for all members to rejoin the forum (using the register button). We have set the forum so that it needs to have an email activation and approval from an admin. Once you have registered to join the forum, you will need to head over to your email to perform the email activation. You may have to wait for the admin to approve you. If you are waiting for the approval, to help us out, you may want to send an email to website.lymeracingclub@gmail.com to notify of your registration and that you require approving.

Remember only current members of Lyme Racing Club will be approved to join the forum.

Any questions either email me or send a message through our Facebook page.


Information Information for Club Runs
Posted by: LymeRCForumAdmin - 04-08-2023, 03:56 PM - Forum: Road Club Runs - No Replies

For Riders Taking Part:
If you taking part in a club run there a few things to make sure you do:
  • Make sure you have replied to the original post to let the ride leader know you are attending the ride.
  • Take your completed membership card (with In Case of Emergency (I.C.E) Details filled in) with you on the ride.
  • Try to wear your club kit, it helps to know who is on the ride if you are in your club kit.
  • Follow all rules of the road, the ride leaders instructions and the Lyme Racing Club Code of Conduct (Lyme Racing Club - Policies Page).
  • Take the minimum tool kit and emergency supplies (phone, bike lock, money etc.) with you on the ride.
The main thing is to stay safe and have fun!
For Club Run Leaders:
When posting a ride, try to include the following information:
  • Start and End Point
  • Start time and possible end time
  • Rough outline of the route
  • Any cafe stops that may occur
  • Estimation of the total distance
  • Ability group that the ride is aimed (type of pace and skill level)
  • Any other information that maybe useful to the riders that are taking part.

Attached Files
.pdf   Info_Guide_Club_Runs_Meeting_Points_2023.pdf (Size: 780.13 KB / Downloads: 5)