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Race Results - Final Events
Final Results for this season

Sunday 17th Sept 2023

Local Event, National VTTA 10 mile TT - course K48/10
This course is run on the A51 from Sandon to the A34 RAB near Stone, mostly on single carrageway road.
A couple of drags [hills] in this one, a little windy so quite tough.
Result: 0:25:02

Saturday 30th Sept 2023

Back down to the F2a/25 today - 25 mile TT - A full Field of 150 riders - this event was re-arranged as the initial event was postponed earlier in the season due to bad weather.
Weather today not too bad down here as dry and not to cool - apparently Raining quite hard back home.
As normal there was a cross head wind on the first and third 6 mile leg a SSW direction
unfortunatly Struggled a little with this one and ran out of steam after the first 12 miles.
Result: 01:00:22

Sunday 1st October 2023

Lyme Racing Club annual Black Bank Hill Climb.
Not quite a normal time trial but still on the same vain, except going flat out up a 1 mile long hill
Wet morning but fortunatly the wind was a cross direction and not a head wind.
There were approx 25 Lyme riders competing in this event and all producing excellent times, a very well done everyone
Result: 3 minutes 59 seconds

Well Thats about it for this season, 

On a seperate note, there has still not been any official result published for the WCTTA 12 hour yet, an event completed on Sunday 13th August 2023
However, I have seen an unofficial result giving me a distance of 215.9 miles, the results have been posted on the time trial Forum.
Hopefully the official results will be published before too long.

Surprisingly there have been a few events either cancelled or postponed due to bad weather plus a couple of events that were run during heavy rain, but perhaps that is to be expected with British summer weather. Wink

Onward and Upward

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Race Results - Final Events - by Barrie - 10-08-2023, 09:44 PM

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