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Race Results update & Report
I am now in the final month of racing and so far it has been a little bit of a mixed season with regard to results, some good, some ok, some not so good.

So, the latest results are;

Sunday 18th June 2023: R100/9 a 100 mile TT - The course is based at Abergavenny/ Raglan in south Wales.
Part of the course is on the quite quick R10/17 10 mile course but with an interesting section through the Monmouth Tunnel and returning back on a back road.
This event was going ok up to 66 mile marker when I suffered front tyre blow out [Hit a pothole] so Game over today.

Sunday 24th June 2023: F2a/50 - 50 mile TT
The course is out and back on a 6.2 mile road so 8 laps with 8 turns at RAB
Decent road surface with only a few Pot holes but these were painted by the event Organiser to reasonably visible. Result 02:03:02

Saturday 1st July: F2a/50 – second go at this course.
Strong head wind on alternate 6.2 mile legs making for a tough ride – 
Reasonable weather day, quite warm: Result 02:05:35

Saturday 15th July: F2a/15 – Postponed due to heavy rain and High winds – the course is exposed in parts.

Sunday 23rd July – Back down to Cambourne – F2a/25
18 mph wind today making for a tough ride – Result 00:59:42

Saturday 29th July: L1015; 10 mile TT on the Levens course
Very windy and wet, poor visibility
Result 00:24:34

Sat 5th August: 25TT on F2a/25 – event postponed due to bad weather

Sunday 13th August: WCTTA 12 hour event [last minute decision to do this one as did not complete the 100 mile event earlier]
This is a tough event, roads not great
First ride off at 06:01am – My time 06:28am [No 28]
Left home at 04:30 to arrive at HQ approx. 05:30am – Race starts at Farndon and ending in Wrexham [Wrexham Ind Estate].
On arrival at HQ, Sort out bike and get ready plus deposit goodie Box with race Marshal – the Goodie box for self-supporting riders is taken firstly to Espley RAB then on to Prees RAB when you are moved off the first circuit and on to circuit 2 [in between these two circuits is an out and back section to Battlefield Island]
Last rode this event in 2018 so used the data form that ride to pace/schedule this ride with time checks at 20 mile distance sections
So the route: Farndon to Broxton, Prees, TernHill, Espley, Shawbirch, Battlefield, Quina Brook, Wrexham Ind Estate.
After 2 hrs the ride seemed ok, after 4 hours is when the tiredness kicks in and the realisation that there is a further 8 hours to go
6 hours in and the legs are feeling tired, 9 hours in and now very tough, 10.5 hours and you realise the end is in sight and force the legs to keep going
Self feeding is not ideal as you need to get off the bike when you need to restock, prop it up and rummage through the box for the selected items at that point.
Food: Gels, Energy drink, energy bars and some solid food – Banana, this was a little tainted [eating on the go] from applying bottom cream and not being able to properly clean the hands: 
 Marmalade Sandwich, this proved difficult to chew and swallow  on the go.
Caught by 2 x rain showers which washed off the oil form the chain, so quickly re-oiled that during a food stop.
Overall 11 hrs 35 mins riding with a final average speed of 18.6 mph Provisional Result 215 miles
Results delayed to a complaint being Lodged regarding rider drafting by the winner and second place - still pending.

Sunday 20th August: L308: 30 mile TT - using part of the fast levens 10 mile course
Windy and wet, making visibility difficult: tough Course - RESULT 01:15:24

Saturday 26th August: F2a/15 - re-arranged 15 mile TT [Inc VTTA National event]
Yet another ride in very heavy rain but not overly windy - Difficult to see the road with the amount of water.
RESULT - 00:35:31

Sunday 3rd September: D33/10: 10 mile TT
Flat course which can be quite fast but there are 5 x RAB's to either go straight across or full 360 degree turns.
Nice day today, warm and not very windy so very good conditions [spent the rest of the morning walkind around Southport]
Result for this event: 23:18

Only a few events remaining for this season - Onward and Upward.


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